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# Licensed under GPL version 3 - see LICENSE.rst
from functools import wraps
import collections
from copy import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np
from transforms3d import affines, euler
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import table
import astropy.units as u
from marxs.simulator import Sequence
from import generate_facet_uncertainty as genfacun

__all__ = ['oneormoreelements',
           'wiggle', 'moveglobal', 'moveindividual', 'moveelem',
           'varyperiod', 'varyorderselector', 'varyattribute',
           'run_tolerances', 'run_tolerances_for_energies',
           'generate_6d_wigglelist', 'reset_6d',

[docs] def oneormoreelements(func): '''Decorator for functions that modify optical elements. The functions in this module are written to work on a single optical element. This decorator allows them to accept a list of elements or a single element. ''' @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(elements, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(elements, for e in elements: func(e, *args, **kwargs) else: func(elements, *args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper
[docs] @oneormoreelements def wiggle(e, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, rx=0., ry=0., rz=0.): '''Move and rotate elements around principal axes. Parameters ---------- e : `marxs.simulator.Parallel` or list of those elements Elements where uncertainties will be set dx, dy, dz : float accuracy of positioning in x, y, z (in mm) - Gaussian sigma, not FWHM! rx, ry, rz : float accuracy of positioning. Rotation around x, y, z (in rad) - Gaussian sigma, not FWHM! ''' e.elem_uncertainty = genfacun(len(e.elements), [dx, dy, dz], [rx, ry, rz]) e.generate_elements()
[docs] @oneormoreelements def moveglobal(e, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, rx=0., ry=0., rz=0.): '''Move and rotate origin of the whole `marxs.simulator.Parallel` object. Parameters ---------- e :`marxs.simulator.Parallel` or list of those elements Elements where uncertainties will be set dx, dy, dz : float translation in x, y, z (in mm) rx, ry, rz : float Rotation around x, y, z (in rad) ''' e.uncertainty = affines.compose([dx, dy, dz], euler.euler2mat(rx, ry, rz, 'sxyz'), np.ones(3)) e.generate_elements()
[docs] @oneormoreelements def moveindividual(e, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0): '''Move and rotate all elements of `marxs.simulator.Parallel` object. Unlike `` this does not move to center of the `~marxs.simulator.Parallel` object, instead it moves all elements individually. Unlike ``, each element is moved by the same amount, not a number drawn from from distribution. Parameters ---------- e :`marxs.simulator.Parallel` or list of those elements Elements where uncertainties will be set dx, dy, dz : float translation in x, y, z (in mm) rx, ry, rz : float Rotation around x, y, z (in rad) ''' e.elem_uncertainty = [affines.compose((dx, dy, dz), euler.euler2mat(rx, ry, rz, 'sxyz'), np.ones(3))] * len(e.elements) e.generate_elements()
[docs] @oneormoreelements def moveelem(e, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, rx=0., ry=0., rz=0.): '''Move and rotate a marxs element around principal axes. Unlike `` this does not work on a `~marxs.simulator.Parallel` object, which is a container holding other elements, but it moves just one specific element itself (e.g. a single detector). To make it easier to return the element to its original position, the original ``pos4d`` matrix of the element is stored as ``pos4d_orig``. Parameters ---------- e :`marxs.optics.base.OpticalElement` or list of those elements Elements where uncertainties will be set dx, dy, dz : float translation in x, y, z (in mm) rx, ry, rz : float Rotation around x, y, z (in rad) ''' if not hasattr(e.geometry, 'pos4d_orig'): e.geometry.pos4d_orig = e.geometry.pos4d.copy() move = affines.compose([dx, dy, dz], euler.euler2mat(rx, ry, rz, 'sxyz'), np.ones(3)) e.geometry.pos4d = move @ e.geometry.pos4d_orig
[docs] @oneormoreelements def varyattribute(element, **kwargs): '''Modify the attributes of an element. This function modifies the attributes of an object. The keyword arguments are name and value of the attributes to be changed. This can be used for a wide variety of MARXS objects where the value of a parameter is stored as an instance attribute. Parameters ---------- element : object Some optical component. keywords : it depends Examples -------- In a `marxs.optics.RadialMirrorScatter` object, the width of the scattering can be modified like this: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from marxs.optics import RadialMirrorScatter >>> from import varyattribute >>> rms = RadialMirrorScatter(inplanescatter=2 * u.arcsec, perpplanescatter=0 * u.arcsec) >>> varyattribute(rms, inplanescatter=1 * u.arcsec) It is usually easy to see which attributes of a `marxs.simulator.SimulationSequenceElement` are relevant to be changed in tolerancing simulations when looking at the attributes or the implementation of those elements. ''' for key, val in kwargs.items(): # check is needed because key could be misspelled so that we set an attribute # that did not exist before and that is never used if not hasattr(element, key): raise ValueError(f'Object {element} does not have {key} attribute.') setattr(element, key, val)
[docs] @oneormoreelements def varyperiod(element, period_mean, period_sigma): '''Randomly draw different grating periods for different gratings This function needs to be called with gratings as parameters, e.g. >>> from marxs.optics import CATGrating >>> from import varyperiod >>> grating = CATGrating(order_selector=None, d=0.001) >>> varyperiod(grating, 2e-4, 1e-5) and the parameters are expected to have two components: center and sigma of a Gaussian distribution for grating contstant d. Parameters ---------- element :`marxs.optics.FlatGrating` or similar (or list of those elements) Elements where uncertainties will be set period_mean : float Center of Gaussian (in mm) period_sigma : float Sigma of Gaussian (in mm) ''' if not hasattr(element, '_d'): raise ValueError(f'Object {element} does not have grating period `_d` attribute.') element._d = np.random.normal(period_mean, period_sigma)
[docs] @oneormoreelements def varyorderselector(element, order_selector, *args, **kwargs): '''Modify the OrderSelector for a grating Parameters ---------- element :`marxs.optics.FlatGrating` or similar (or list of those elements) Elements where the OrderSelector will be changed order_selector : class This should be a subclass of `InterpolateRalfTable` which determines how the order will be selected. In the case of the default class, the blaze angle of an incoming photons will be modified randomly to represent small-scale deviations from the flatness of the gratings. args, kwargs : All other parameters are used to initialize the OrderSelector ''' if not hasattr(element, 'order_selector'): raise ValueError(f'Object {element} does not have an order_selector attribute.') element.order_selector = order_selector(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_tolerances(photons_in, instrum, wigglefunc, wiggleparts, parameters, analyzefunc): '''Run tolerancing calculations for a range of parameters This function takes an instrument configuration and a function to change one aspect of it. For every change it runs a simulations and calculates a figure of merit. As the name indicates, this function is designed to derive alignment tolerances for certain instrument parts but it might be general enough for other parameter studies in instrument design. Parameters ---------- photons_in : `astropy.table.Table` Input photons list. To speed up the computation, it is useful if photon list has been run through all elements of the instrument that are located before the first element that is toleranced here. instrum : `marxs.simulator.Sequence` object An instance of the instrument which contains all elements that `photons_in` still have to pass. This can include elements that are toleranced in this run and those that are located behind them. wigglefunc : callable Function that modifies the `instrum` with the following calling signature: ``wigglefunc(wiggleparts, pars)`` where ``pars`` is one dict from `parameters`. Note that this function is called with `wiggleparts` which can be the same as `instrum` or just a subset. wiggleparts : `marxs.base.SimulationSequenceElement` instance Element which is modified by `wigglefunc`. Typically this is a subset of `instrum`. For example, to tolerance the mirror alignments `wiggleparts` would just be the mirror objects, while `instrum` would contain all the parts of the instrument that the photons need to run though up to the detector. parameters : list of dicts List of parameter values for calls to `wigglefunc`. analyzefunc : callable function or object This is called with a photon table and should return a dictionary of results. This could be, e.g. a `marxs.analysis.gratings.CaptureResAeff` instance. Returns ------- result : list of dicts Each dict contains parameters and results for one run. Notes ----- The format of input and output as lists of dicts is chosen because this would work well for a parallel version of this function which could have the same interface when it is implemented. ''' out = [] for i, pars in enumerate(parameters): print(f'Working on simulation {i}/{len(parameters)}') wigglefunc(wiggleparts, **pars) photons = instrum(photons_in.copy()) cpars = copy(pars) cpars.update(analyzefunc(photons)) out.append(cpars) return out
[docs] def run_tolerances_for_energies(source, energies, instrum_before, instrum_remaining, wigglefunc, wiggleparts, parameters, analyzefunc, reset=None, t_source=1 / u.s): '''Run tolerancing for a grid of parameters and energies This function loops over `` for different energies. This function takes an instrument configuration and a function to change one aspect of it. For every change it runs simulations and calculates a figure of merit. As the name indicates, this function is designed to derive alignment tolerances for certain instrument parts but it might be general enough for other parameter studies in instrument design. There are two nested loops here looping over energy and tolerancing parameters. In this case, the outer loop is over energies and then for every energy, `` loops over the parameters. This works well where running the ``wigglefunc`` is relatively fast, but propagating the photons through ``instrum_before`` is slow and minimizes the memory footprint, because only one photon list is in memory at any one time. It also implies that runs for the same wiggle parameters but different energies are run on different realizations of any random draws that are performed by ``wigglefunc``. Parameters ---------- source : `marxs.source.Source` Source used to generate the photons for every energy. This function changes the energy of the source, so the source should be set for monoenergetic emission with a constant flux of 1. energies : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` An array of energy values. instrum_before : `marxs.simulator.Sequence` An instance of the instrument which contains all elements **before** the first elements in ``wiggleparts``. The first element should be a `marxs.source.pointing.PointingModel`. In principle, ``instrum_before`` can be an empty sequence and the entire instrument can be defined in ``instrum_remaining``, however, ``instrum_before`` is run only once per energy and thus it can greatly speed up the simulation to set this. instrum_remaining : `marxs.simulator.Sequence` An instance of the instrument which contains all elements not included in ``instrum_before``. ``instrum_remaining`` should include elements that are toleranced in this run and those that are located behind them. wigglefunc, wiggleparts, parameters, analyzefunc : These parameters are passed to ``. See that function for a description of these parameters. reset : dict or ``None`` A dictionary of values for the ``wigglefunc`` function that resets the positions or properties of the wiggled elements to their default. If ``reset=None``, then the elements affected by ``wigglefunc`` will be in the state corresponding to the last entry in ``parameters`` when this function exits. t_source : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` parameter for ``source.generate_photons()``. If the source flux is set to one, then ``t_source`` determines the number of photons used in the tolerancing simulation. Returns ------- result : `astropy.table.Table` Each row in the table contains energy, wave, parameter values, and results from ``analyzefunc`` for a single run. ''' wave =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) outtabs = [] for i, e in enumerate(energies): = e photons_in = source.generate_photons(t_source) photons_in = instrum_before(photons_in) data = run_tolerances(photons_in, instrum_remaining, wigglefunc, wiggleparts, parameters, analyzefunc) # convert tab into a table. # astropy.tables has problems with Quantities as input tab = Table([{d: data[i][d].value if isinstance(data[i][d], u.Quantity) else data[i][d] for d in data[i]} for i in range(len(data))]) tab['energy'] = e tab['wave'] = wave[i] outtabs.append(tab) # Reset so that same instance of instrum can be used again if reset is not None: wigglefunc(wiggleparts, **reset) return table.vstack(outtabs)
def run_tolerances_for_energies2(source, energies, instrum, cls, wigglefunc, parameters, analyzefunc, reset=None, subclass_ok=False, t_source=1 / u.s): '''Run tolerancing for a grid of parameters and energies This function loops over `` for different energies. This function takes an instrument configuration and a function to change one aspect of it. For every change it runs a simulations and calculates a figure of merit. As the name indicates, this function is designed to derive alignment tolerances for certain instrument parts but it might be general enough for other parameter studies in instrument design. There are two nested loops here looping over energy and tolerancing parameters. In this case, the outer loop is over energies and then for every energy, `` loops over the parameters. This works well where running the ``wigglefunc`` is relatively fast, but propagating the photons through ``instrum_before`` is slow and minimizes the memory footprint, because only one photon list is in memory at any one time. It also implies that runs for the same wiggle parameters but different energies are run on different realizations of any random draws that are performed by ``wigglefunc``. Parameters ---------- source : `marxs.source.Source` Source used to generate the photons for every energy. This function changes the energy of the source, so the source should be set for monoenergetic emission with a constant flux of 1. energies : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` An array of energy values. instrum : `marxs.simulator.Sequence` An instance of the instrument which contains all elements. cls : class Class of modified / wiggled / etc. element wigglefunc, parameters, analyzefunc : These parameters are passed to ``. See that function for a description of these parameters. reset : dict or ``None`` A dictionary of values for the ``wigglefunc`` function that resets the positions or properties of the wiggled elements to their default. If ``reset=None``, then the elements affected by ``wigglefunc`` will be in the state corresponding to the last entry in ``parameters`` when this function exits. t_source : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` parameter for ``source.generate_photons()``. If the source flux is set to one, then ``t_source`` determines the number of photons used in the tolerancing simulation. Returns ------- result : `astropy.table.Table` Each row in the table contains energy, wave, parameter values, and results from ``analyzefunc`` for a single run. ''' ind = instrum.first_of_class_top_level(cls, subclass_ok) if ind is None: raise Exception(f'{cls} nor part of {instrum}') tab = run_tolerances_for_energies(source, energies, Sequence(elements=instrum.elements[:ind]), Sequence(elements=instrum.elements[ind:]), wigglefunc, instrum.elements_of_class(cls), parameters, analyzefunc, reset, t_source=t_source) return tab
[docs] def generate_6d_wigglelist(trans, rot, names=['dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']): '''Generate a list of parameters for the wiggle functions in this module. This modules contains several wiggle functions such as `` or `` that expect input for 6 degrees of freedom, three translations and three rotations. Commonly, we want to study and dof at a time. This function helps with generating lists of dicts for that purpose. Parameters ---------- trans : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Steps for translation. The first element should be 0. rot : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Steps for rotation. The first element should be 0. Returns ------- changeglobal : list of dicts This list contains changes in positive and negative directions. Use this as input for e.g. ``. changeindividual : list of dicts This list contains only one side, so use this as input for e.g. `` where the actual misalignment is drawn from a distribution. Examples -------- In this example, we take small steps close to 0 and then increase the step size for larger distances, going up to a misalignment of 10 mm in linear translation and 2 degrees in rotation:: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from import generate_6d_wigglelist >>> trans = [0., .1, .2, .4, .7] * >>> rot = [0., 2., 5., 10., 20] * u.arcmin >>> lglob, lind = generate_6d_wigglelist(trans, rot) ''' if (trans.value[0]) != 0 or (rot.value[0] != 0): warnings.warn('First element of trans and rot should be 0.') n_trans = len(trans) n_rot = len(rot) n = 3 * n_trans changeglobal = np.zeros((n_trans * 2 * 3 + n_rot * 2 * 3, 6)) for i in range(3): changeglobal[i * n_trans: (i + 1) * n_trans, i] = changeglobal[n + i * n_rot: n + (i + 1) * n_rot, i + 3] = half = changeglobal.shape[0] / 2 changeglobal[int(half):, :] = - changeglobal[:int(half), :] changeindividual = changeglobal[: int(half), :] # Remove multiple entries with [0,0,0,0, ...] changeglobal = np.unique(changeglobal, axis=0) changeindividual = np.unique(changeindividual, axis=0) # numpy array to list of dicts changeglobal = [dict(zip(names, row)) for row in changeglobal] changeindividual = [dict(zip(names, row)) for row in changeindividual] return changeglobal, changeindividual
reset_6d = {'dx': 0., 'dy': 0., 'dz': 0., 'rx': 0., 'ry': 0., 'rz': 0.} '''The neutral element for a 6d wigglelist. Can be used to reset uncertainties.'''
[docs] def select_1dof_changed(table, par, parlist=['dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']): '''Select subset of tolerancing table with changes in 1 dof only This function selects a subset of a table where all parameters other than the parameter selected right now are zero. This is a helper function for analyzing and plotting results. Parameters ---------- table : `astropy.table.Table` Table with wiggle results par : string Name of parameter to be selected parlist : list of strings Name of all parameters in ``table`` Returns ------- tab : `astropy.table.Table` Filtered table ''' pars = set(parlist) ind = np.ones(len(table), dtype=bool) for p in pars - set([par]): ind *= table[p] == 0 return table[ind]
[docs] class WigglePlotter(): '''Object to plot results of tolerancing simulations This class combines the `load_and_plot` and `plot_wiggle` functions with reasonable defaults for the plot appearance. ''' ylabel = 'left label (solid lines)' 'Label for the left axis of the plot' y2label = 'right label (dotted lines)' 'Label for the right axis of the plot' bg_colors = {'global': '0.9', 'individual': (1.0, 0.9, 0.9)} '''Default background colors for wiggle overview plots. If the key of the dict matches part of the filename, the color listed in the dict is applied. '''
[docs] def plot_wiggle(self, tab, par, parlist, ax, axt=None, axes_facecolor='w', **kwargs): '''Plotting function for overview plot wiggeling 1 dof at the time. For parameters starting with "d" (e.g. "dx", "dy", "dz"), the plot axes will be labeled as a shift, for parameters tarting with "r" as rotation. Parameters ---------- table : `astropy.table.Table` Table with wiggle results par : string Name of parameter to be plotted parlist : list of strings Name of all parameters in ``table`` ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis object to plot into. axt : ``None`` or `matplotlib.axes.Axes` If this is ``None``, twin axis are created to show resolving power and effective area in one plot. Alternatively, a second axes instance can be given here. R_col : string Column name in ``tab`` that hold the resolving power to be plotted. Default is set to work with ``. Aeff_col : string Column name in ``tab`` that hold the effective area to be plotted. Default is set to work with ``. axes_facecolor : any matplotlib color specification Color for the background in the plot. ''' t = select_1dof_changed(tab, par, parlist) t.sort(par) t_wave = t.group_by('wave') axlist = [ax] import matplotlib match axt: case None if self.y2label is not None: axt = ax.twinx() axlist.append(axt) case matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase(): axlist.append(axt) for key, g in zip(t_wave.groups.keys, t_wave.groups): if par[0] == 'r': x = np.rad2deg(g[par].data) else: x = g[par] self.plot_one_line(ax, axt, key, g, x, **kwargs) ax.set_ylabel(self.ylabel) if len(axlist) > 1: axt.set_ylabel(self.y2label) if par[0] == 'd': ax.set_xlabel('shift [mm]') ax.set_title('Shift along {}'.format(par[1])) elif par[0] == 'r': ax.set_xlabel('Rotation [degree]') ax.set_title('Rotation around {}'.format(par[1])) else: ax.set_xlabel(par) for a in axlist: a.set_facecolor(axes_facecolor) a.set_axisbelow(True) a.grid(axis='x', c='1.0', lw=2, ls='solid')
[docs] def plot_one_line(self, ax, axt, key, g, x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load_and_plot(self, filename, parlist=['dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz'], **kwargs): '''Load a table with wiggle results and make default plot This is a function to generate a quicklook image with many hardcoded defaults for figure size, colors etc. In particular, this function is written for the display of 6d plots which vary 6 degrees of freedom, one at a time. The color for the background in the plot is set depending on the filename using the ``string : color`` assignments in ``. No fancy regexp based match is applied, this is simply a check with ``in``. Parameters ---------- filename : string Path to a file with data that can be plotted by ``. parlist : list of strings Name of all parameters in ``table``. This function only plots six of them. Returns ------- tab : `astropy.table.Table` Table of data read from ``filename`` fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure with plot. kwargs : All other parameters are passed to ``. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tab = if 'axis_facecolor' not in kwargs: for n, c in self.bg_colors.items(): if n in filename: kwargs['axes_facecolor'] = c fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.6, hspace=.3) for i, par in enumerate(parlist): ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, i + 1) self.plot_wiggle(tab, par, parlist, ax, **kwargs) return tab, fig
[docs] class DispersedWigglePlotter(WigglePlotter): '''A wiggle plotter for gratings''' ylabel ='Resolving power (solid lines)' y2label ='$A_{eff}$ [cm$^2$] (dotted lines)'
[docs] def plot_one_line(self, ax, axt, key, g, x, R_col='Rgrat', Aeff_col='Aeffgrat'): ax.plot(x, g[R_col], label='{:3.1f} $\AA$'.format(key[0]), lw=1.5) axt.plot(x, g[Aeff_col], ':', label='{:2.0f} $\AA$'.format(key[0]), lw=2)