Source code for marxs.missions.chandra.dither

# Licensed under GPL version 3 - see LICENSE.rst

import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.units as u

from transforms3d.euler import euler2mat
from transforms3d.quaternions import mat2quat
from transforms3d.axangles import axangle2mat

from ...source import FixedPointing
from .fitsheaders import complete_header

[docs] class LissajousDither(FixedPointing): '''Lissajous dither pattern with adjustable parameters. Parameters ---------- DitherAmp : `astropy.units.Quantity` (pitch, yaw, roll) dither amplitude DitherPeriod : `astropy.units.Quantity` (pitch, yaw, roll) dither Period in sec DitherPhase : `astropy.units.Quantity` (pitch, yaw, roll) dither phase at ``time = 0`` in radian ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.DitherAmp = kwargs.pop('DitherAmp', np.array([8., 8., 0.]) * u.arcsec) self.DitherPeriod = kwargs.pop('DitherPeriod', np.array([1000., 707., 1e5]) * u.s) self.DitherPhase = kwargs.pop('DitherPhase', np.zeros(3) * u.radian) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def dither(self, time): '''Calculate the dither offset relative to pointing direction. Parameters ---------- time : np.array Time when the dither motion should be calculated Returns ------- delta : np.array of shape (N, 3) dither motion offset in pitch, yaw, roll for N times in rad ''' return self.DitherAmp * np.sin(2. * np.pi * u.radian * time[:, np.newaxis] * u.s / self.DitherPeriod + self.DitherPhase) / np.array([np.cos(self.coords.icrs.dec), 1., 1.])
[docs] def pointing(self, time): '''Calculate the pointing direction for a set of times There are the steps to convert the dither (which are offsets) to the total pointing direction with the roll properly taken care of. (See marxasp.c in the marx code for more details.) 1. Convert ra/dec offsets to absolute pointing. 2. Roll resulting vector about nominal pointing 3. Convert result to ra/dec. Parameters ---------- time : np.array Array of times Returns ------- pointing : (n, 3) np.array Ra, Dec, roll values in radian for the pointing direction at time t. ''' nominal = Quantity([self.coords.ra, self.coords.dec, self.roll]) dither = self.dither(time) # roll in astronomical system is defined opposite of the usual mathematical angle # because the ra in the coordinate system increases in the other direction. roll = nominal[2] + dither[:, 2] # Express directions as x,y,z vectors phi = nominal[0] theta = np.pi/2. * u.rad - nominal[1] e_nominal = np.array([np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]) phi = nominal[0] + dither[:, 0] theta = np.pi/2. * u.rad - (nominal[1] + dither[:, 1]) e_dither = np.vstack([np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T pointing_dir = np.zeros_like(dither.value) # common case for Chandra if np.allclose(, roll[0].to(u.rad).value): mat = axangle2mat(e_nominal, -roll[0].to(u.rad).value, is_normalized=True) constant_roll = True for i in range(len(time)): if not constant_roll: mat = axangle2mat(e_nominal, -roll[i].to(u.rad).value, is_normalized=True) pointing_dir[i, :] =, e_dither[i, :].value) # convert x,y,z pointing back to ra, dec, roll pointing = np.vstack([np.arctan2(pointing_dir[:, 0], pointing_dir[:, 1]) % (2.*np.pi), np.pi / 2. - np.arccos(pointing_dir[:, 2]),]).T return pointing
[docs] def photons_dir(self, coos, time): '''Calculate direction on photons in homogeneous coordinates. Parameters ---------- coos : `astropy.coordiantes.SkyCoord` Origin of each photon on the sky time : np.array Time for each photons in sec Returns ------- photons_dir : np.array of shape (n, 4) Homogeneous direction vector for each photon ''' ra = coos.ra.rad dec = coos.dec.rad # Minus sign here because photons start at +inf and move towards origin pointing = self.pointing(time) photons_dir = np.zeros((len(ra), 4)) photons_dir[:, 0] = - np.cos(dec) * np.cos(ra) photons_dir[:, 1] = - np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra) photons_dir[:, 2] = - np.sin(dec) for i in range(len(ra)): mat3d = euler2mat(pointing[i, 0], - pointing[i, 1], - pointing[i, 2], 'rzyx') photons_dir[i, :3] =, photons_dir[i, :3]) return photons_dir
[docs] def write_asol(self, photons, asolfile, timestep=0.256): '''Write an aspect solution (asol) file Chandra analysis scripts often require an aspect solution, which is essientially a list of pointing directions in the dither pattern vs. time. This method write such a list to a file. Parameters ---------- photons : `astropy.table.Table` or `astropy.table.Row` Table with photon properties. Some meta data from the header of this table is required (e.g. the length of the observation). asolfile : string Path and file name where the asol file is saved. timestamp : float Time step between entries in the asol file in seconds. ''' time = np.arange(0, photons.meta['EXPOSURE'][0], timestep) pointing = self.pointing(time).to(u.deg).value asol = Table([time, pointing[:, 0], pointing[:, 1], pointing[:, 2]], names=['time', 'ra', 'dec', 'roll'], ) asol['time'].unit = 's' # The following columns represent measured offsets in Chandra # They are not part of this simulation. Simply set them to 0 for col in ['ra_err', 'dec_err', 'roll_err', 'dy', 'dz', 'dtheta', 'dy_err', 'dz_err', 'dtheta_err', 'roll_bias', 'pitch_bias', 'yaw_bias', 'roll_bias_err', 'pitch_bias_err', 'yaw_bias_err']: asol[col] = np.zeros_like(time) if 'bias' in col: asol[col].unit = 'deg / s' elif ('dy' in col) or ('dz' in col): asol[col].unit = 'mm' else: asol[col].unit = 'deg' asol['q_att'] = [mat2quat(euler2mat(np.deg2rad(p[0]), np.deg2rad(-p[1]), np.deg2rad(-p[2]), 'rzyx')) for p in pointing] # Copy info like the exposure time from the photons list meta to asol, # but not column specific keywords like TTYPEn, TCTYPn, MTYPEn, MFORMn, etc: for k in photons.meta: if (('TYP' not in k) and ('FORM' not in k) and ('TCR' not in k) and ('TCDEL' not in k) and (k not in asol.meta)): asol.meta[k] = photons.meta[k] asol.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'ASPECT' complete_header(asol.meta, None, 'ACASOL', ['OGIP', 'TEMPORALDATA', 'ASPECT']) # In MARXS t=0 is the start of the observation, but for Chandra we need to make that # consistent with the value of the TSTART keyword. asol['time'] += asol.meta['TSTART'][0] asol.write(asolfile, format='fits') # , checksum=True) - works only with fits interface
# def pointing(self, time): # '''Calculate the pointing direction for a set of times # There are the steps to convert the dither (which are offsets) to the total # pointing direction with the roll properly taken care of. # (See marxasp.c in the marx code for more details.) # 1. Convert ra/dec offsets to absolute pointing. # 2. Roll resulting vector about nominal pointing # 3. Convert result to ra/dec. # Parameters # ---------- # time : np.array # Array of times # Results # ------- # pointing : (n, 3) np.array # Ra, Dec, roll values in radian for the pointing direction at time t. # ''' # dither = self.dither(time).to(u.radian).value # phi = dither[:, 0] # theta = np.pi/2. - dither[:, 1] # e_dither = np.vstack([np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), # np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta), # np.cos(theta)]).T # pointing_dir = np.zeros_like(dither) # # common case for Chandra # roll = # if np.allclose(dither[:, 2], dither[0, 2]): # mat = axangle2mat([1, 0, 0], -dither[0, 2] - roll, is_normalized=True) # constant_roll = True # for i in range(len(time)): # if not constant_roll: # mat = axangle2mat([1, 0, 0], -dither[i, 2] - roll, is_normalized=True) # pointing_dir[i, :] =, e_dither[i, :]) # # convert x,y,z pointing back to ra, dec, roll # pointing = np.vstack([np.arctan2(pointing_dir[:, 0], pointing_dir[:, 1]) % (2.*np.pi), # np.pi / 2. - np.arccos(pointing_dir[:, 2]), # dither[:, 2]]).T # return pointing # def photons_dir(self, coos, time): # '''Calculate direction on photons in homogeneous coordinates. # Parameters # ---------- # coos : `astropy.coordiantes.SkyCoord` # Origin of each photon on the sky # time : np.array # Time for each photons in sec # Returns # ------- # photons_dir : np.array of shape (n, 4) # Homogeneous direction vector for each photon # ''' # photons_dir = super(LissajousDither, self).photons_dir(coos, time) # # Minus sign here because photons start at +inf and move towards origin # pointing = self.dither(time).to(u.rad).value # for i in range(len(time)): # mat3d = euler2mat(pointing[i, 0], # - pointing[i, 1], # - pointing[i, 2], 'rzyx') # photons_dir[i, :3] =, photons_dir[i, :3]) # return photons_dir # def write_asol(self, photons, asolfile, timestep=0.256): # time = np.arange(0, photons.meta['EXPOSURE'][0], timestep) # pointing = np.rad2deg(self.pointing(time)) # asol = Table([time, pointing[:, 0], pointing[:, 1], pointing[:, 2]], # names=['time', 'ra', 'dec', 'roll'], # ) # asol['time'].unit = 's' # # The following columns represent measured offsets in Chandra # # They are not part of this simulation. Simply set them to 0 # for col in [ 'ra_err', 'dec_err', 'roll_err', # 'dy', 'dz', 'dtheta', 'dy_err', 'dz_err', 'dtheta_err', # 'roll_bias', 'pitch_bias', 'yaw_bias', 'roll_bias_err', 'pitch_bias_err', 'yaw_bias_err']: # asol[col] = np.zeros_like(time) # if 'bias' in col: # asol[col].unit = 'deg / s' # elif ('dy' in col) or ('dz' in col): # asol[col].unit = 'mm' # else: # asol[col].unit = 'deg' # asol['q_att'] = [mat2quat(euler2mat(np.deg2rad(p[0]), # np.deg2rad(-p[1]), # np.deg2rad(-p[2]), 'rzyx')) # for p in pointing] # # Copy info like the exposure time from the photons list meta to asol, # # but not column specific keywords like TTYPEn, TCTYPn, MTYPEn, MFORMn, etc: # for k in photons.meta: # if (('TYP' not in k) and ('FORM' not in k) and # ('TCR' not in k) and ('TCDEL' not in k) and (k not in asol.meta)): # asol.meta[k] = photons.meta[k] # asol.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'ASPECT' # complete_header(asol.meta, None, 'ACASOL', ['OGIP', 'TEMPORALDATA', 'ASPECT']) # # In MARXS t=0 is the start of the observation, but for Chandra we need to make that # # consistent with the value of the TSTART keyword. # asol['time'] += asol.meta['TSTART'][0] # asol.write(asolfile, format='fits') # , checksum=True) - works only with fits interface