Source code for marxs.optics.detector

# Licensed under GPL version 3 - see LICENSE.rst
import math
import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from transforms3d.affines import decompose44
from scipy.stats import norm

from .base import FlatOpticalElement, OpticalElement
from ..utils import SimulationSetupWarning
from ..math.geometry import Cylinder

__all__ = ['FlatDetector', 'CircularDetector', 'CCDRedistNormal']

[docs] class FlatDetector(FlatOpticalElement): '''Flat detector with square pixels Processing the a photon with this detector adds four columns to the photon properties: - ``det_x``, ``det_y``: Event position on the detector in mm - ``detpix_x``, ``detpix_y``: Event position in detector coordinates, where (0, 0) is on the corner of the chip. The (x,y) coordinate system on the chip is such that it falls on the (y,z) plane of the global x,y,z coordinate system (it would be more logical to call the chip system (y,z), but traditionally that is not how chip coordinates are named). The pixel in the corner has coordinates (0, 0) in the pixel center. Parameters ---------- pixsize : float size of pixels in mm ignore_pixel_warning : bool ignore warning if derived pixel number is not close to an integer kwargs : see `args for optical elements` ''' loc_coos_name = ['det_x', 'det_y'] '''name for output columns that contain the interaction point in local coordinates.''' detpix_name = ['detpix_x', 'detpix_y'] '''name for output columns that contain this pixel number.''' display = {'color': (1.0, 1.0, 0.), 'shape': 'box', 'box-half': '+x'} def __init__(self, pixsize=1, ignore_pixel_warning=False, **kwargs): self.pixsize = pixsize super().__init__(**kwargs) t, r, zoom, s = decompose44(self.pos4d) self.npix = [0, 0] self.centerpix = [0, 0] for i in (0, 1): z = zoom[i + 1] self.npix[i] = int(np.round(2. * z / self.pixsize)) if (np.abs(2. * z / self.pixsize - self.npix[i]) > 1e-2) and not ignore_pixel_warning: warnings.warn('Detector size is not an integer multiple of pixel size in direction {0}. It will be rounded.'.format('xy'[i]), SimulationSetupWarning) self.centerpix[i] = (self.npix[i] - 1) / 2
[docs] def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos, intercoos): detx = intercoos[intersect, 0] / self.pixsize + self.centerpix[0] dety = intercoos[intersect, 1] / self.pixsize + self.centerpix[1] return {self.detpix_name[0]: detx, self.detpix_name[1]: dety}
[docs] class CircularDetector(OpticalElement): '''A detector shaped like a ring or tube. This detector is shaped like a tube. The form is a circle in the xy plane and and flat along the z-direction. While most CCDs are flat in practice, the `CircularDetector` simulates a setup that can follow the Rowland circle geometry exactly which is useful, e.g. to study the resolution of a spectrograph without worrying about the details of the detector geometry. Parameters ---------- position, orientation, zoom, pos4d : see description of `pos4d` The radius of the tube is given by the ``zoom`` keyword, see `pos4d`. Use ``zoom[0] == zoom[1]`` to make a circular tube. ``zoom[0] != zoom[1]`` gives an elliptical profile. ``zoom[2]`` sets the extension in the z direction. pixsize : float size of pixels in mm ''' loc_coos_name = ['det_phi', 'det_y'] detpix_name = ['detpix_x', 'detpix_y'] '''name for output columns that contain this pixel number.''' display = {'color': (1.0, 1.0, 0.), 'opacity': 0.7, } centerpix = [0, 0] default_geometry = Cylinder def __init__(self, pixsize=1, **kwargs): self.pixsize = pixsize super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos, intercoos): detx = intercoos[intersect, 0] * self.geometry['R'] / self.pixsize + self.centerpix[0] dety = intercoos[intersect, 1] / self.pixsize + self.centerpix[1] return {self.detpix_name[0]: detx, self.detpix_name[1]: dety}
class CCDRedistNormal(FlatOpticalElement): """Redistribute energies according to a normal distribution No detector has infinite energy resolution. This class redistributes the the energy according to a normal distribution. This class serves a dual role. It can be used as an optical element within an instrument to cheaply simulate a CCD response (not including effects like frame transfer or CTI), but it can also be used in the OSIP generators in `marxs.reduction.osip`. Parameters ---------- tab_width : astropy.table.QTable Table with columns "energy" and either "sigma" or "FWHM" Notes ----- EXPERIMENTAL. For now, I'm just putting in methods one by one as I need them to help me develop how the stable API should look like. In principle this class could inherit from `scipy.stat.norm` or maybe from a sherpa norm1d distribution or from astropy.modelling (which should be quantity aware already). Eventually, this might be a good application of a metaclass e.g. as in to handles scale and loc arguments automatically in the way shown below, but for now it's easier ot just copy and paste that wrapping a few times as needed. Also, this is for instance methods. I think "norm" might use class methods so that's just one step more complicated... """ fwhm2sig = 2 * math.sqrt(2 * math.log(2)) energycol = "energy_detected" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.tab_width = kwargs.pop("tab_width") if 'sigma' not in self.tab_width.colnames: self.tab_width['sigma'] = self.tab_width['FWHM'] / self.fwhm2sig super().__init__(**kwargs) @u.quantity_input(energy=u.keV, equivalencies=u.spectral()) def sig_ccd(self, energy): '''Return the Gaussian sigma of the width of the CCD resolution Parameters ---------- energy : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` True photon energy. Returns ------- sigma : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Width of the Gaussian ''' return np.interp(, equivalencies=u.spectral()), self.tab_width['energy'], self.tab_width['sigma']) @u.quantity_input(x=u.keV, loc=u.keV, equivalencies=u.spectral()) def cdf(self, x, loc): scale = self.sig_ccd(loc) return norm().cdf(((x - loc) / scale).decompose()) @u.quantity_input(loc=u.keV, equivalencies=u.spectral()) def interval(self, alpha, loc): scale = self.sig_ccd(loc) return np.broadcast_to(norm.interval(alpha), (len(loc), 2)).T * scale + loc def specific_process_photons(self, photons, intersect, interpos, intercoos): # Implicit unit of photon energy is keV, but here we need it written out. phot_en = u.Quantity(photons["energy"]) det_en = norm.rvs( loc=phot_en, scale=self.sig_ccd(phot_en).to(u.keV, equivalencies=u.spectral()), ) return {self.energycol: det_en}