Source code for marxs.source.labSource

# Licensed under GPL version 3 - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Column
import astropy.units as u
import transforms3d

from ..optics.base import FlatOpticalElement
from .basesources import Source
from ..math.polarization import polarization_vectors
from ..math.utils import h2e, e2h

[docs] class FarLabPointSource(Source, FlatOpticalElement): '''Simple in-lab point source used with aperture - assumes point source is far from a rectangular aperture, and only the photons that pass through are tracked - photon start positions uniformly distributed within rectangular aperture (reasonable approximation if source is far) - photon direction determined by location of source, and selected photon starting position - aperture is in its local y-z plane Parameters ---------- sourcePos: 3 element list 3D coordinates of photon source (not aperture) kwargs: ``pos4d`` or ``position``, ``orientation``, and ``zoom`` can be used to set the position, size and orientation of the rectangular apeture; see `pos4d` for details. Other keyword arguments include ``flux``, ``energy`` and ``polarization``. See `Source` for details. ''' def __init__(self, sourcePos, **kwargs): self.sourcePos = sourcePos if 'flux' not in kwargs: kwargs['flux'] = 1 / u.s super().__init__(geomarea=None, **kwargs)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def generate_photons(self, exposuretime: u.s): photons = super().generate_photons(exposuretime) n = len(photons) # randomly choose direction - photons uniformly distributed over aperture area # measurements in mm pos =, np.array([np.zeros(n), np.random.uniform(-1, 1, n), np.random.uniform(-1, 1, n), np.ones(n)])) dir = np.array([pos[0, :] - self.sourcePos[0], pos[1, :] - self.sourcePos[1], pos[2, :] - self.sourcePos[2], np.zeros(n)]) photons['pos'] = pos.T photons['dir'] = dir.T photons['polarization'] = polarization_vectors(dir.T, photons['polangle']) return photons
[docs] class LabPointSourceCone(Source): '''In-lab point source - Photons are uniformly distributed in all directions in cone (from the point). Cone is meant to refer to the volume swept out by a solid angle in a unit sphere centered at the point source. - Photon start position is source position (tip of cone) Parameters ---------- position: array-like of shape(3,) Eukledian coordinates of photon source. Default is at the origin of the coordinate system. half_opening: float This is half the openning angle of the cone. It is given in steradians. The default is pi, which distributes the photons evenly over the entire sphere. direction: array-like of shape (3,) This is the direction of the center of the cone. Default is the positive x-axis. kwargs : see `Source` Other keyword arguments include ``flux``, ``energy`` and ``polarization``. See `Source` for details. ''' def __init__(self, position=[0, 0, 0], half_opening=np.pi, direction=[1., 0., 0.], **kwargs): if (len(position) != 3) or (len(direction) != 3): raise ValueError('Direction and position are expected in Eukledian coordinates.') self.dir = e2h(np.asanyarray(direction) / np.linalg.norm(direction), 0) self.position = e2h(np.asanyarray(position), 1) self.half_opening = half_opening if 'flux' not in kwargs: kwargs['flux'] = 1 / u.s super().__init__(geomarea=None, **kwargs)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def generate_photons(self, exposuretime: u.s): photons = super(LabPointSourceCone, self).generate_photons(exposuretime) n = len(photons) # assign position to photons pos = np.ones((4, n)) * self.position[:, None] # Randomly choose direction - photons directions randomly distributed inside cone. # Visualize in arbitrary x-y-z coordinate system (to be reconciled with class parameters later) # Angle from pole (z-axis) = phi. Angle from x-axis on x-y plane is theta # This cone is temporarily centered about the z axis. theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, n) #this is the fractional surface area swept out by delta fractionalArea = 2 * np.pi * (1 - np.cos(self.half_opening)) / (4 * np.pi) v = np.random.uniform(0, fractionalArea, n) phi = np.arccos(1 - 2 * v) # For computation of phi see dir = np.array([np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), np.zeros(n)]) # Now we have all directions for n photons in dir. # Now we rotate dir to align with the given direction: self.dir # To find axis of rotation: cross self.dir with z axis = np.cross(h2e(self.dir), [0, 0, 1]) angle = np.arccos(self.dir[2]) # Simplified rotationMatrix = transforms3d.axangles.axangle2aff(axis, -angle) # The aligned directions are: dir =, dir) photons.add_column(Column(name='pos', data=pos.T)) photons.add_column(Column(name='dir', data=dir.T)) photons.add_column(Column(name='polarization', data=polarization_vectors(dir.T, photons['polangle']))) return photons