Source code for marxs.visualization.threejs

# Licensed under GPL version 3 - see LICENSE.rst
'''Plot routines for display with `three.js <>`__.

Each routine adds strings to a file and thus each routing requires a writable file
object as an argument. This file can then be included in a webpage that loads
the three.js javascript package.

Note that routine to display a torus is modified
relative to the official three.js release to allow more parameters; the modified
version is included in the MARXS source code.
Also, note that the output file is not a valid webside by itself. Instead, it is a list of
javascript commands, that needs to be included into a website after the nesessary setup
and package loading.
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.decorators import format_doc

from . import utils

listofproperties = {'Material': ['id', 'name', 'opacity', 'transparent', 'blending', 'blendSrc',
                                 'blendDst', 'BlendEquation', 'depthTest', 'depthWrite',
                                 'polygonOffset', 'plygonOffsetFactor', 'polygonOffsetUnits',
                                 'alphaTest', 'clippingPlanes', 'clipShadows', 'overdraw',
                                 'visible', 'side', 'needsUpdate'],
                    'MeshStandardMaterial': ['color', 'roughness', 'metalness', 'map', 'lightMap',
                                             'lightMapIntensity', 'aoMap', 'aoMapIntensity',
                                             'emissive', 'emissiveMap', 'emissiveIntensity',
                                             'bumpMap', 'bumpMapScale', 'normalMap', 'normalMapScale',
                                             'displacementMap', 'displacementScale',
                                             'displacementBias', 'roughnessMap', 'metalnessMap',
                                             'alphaMap', 'envMap', 'envMapIntensity', 'refractionRatio',
                                             'fog', 'shading', 'wireframe', 'wireframeLinewidth',
                                             'wireframeLinecap', 'wireframeLinejoin', 'vertexColors',
                                             'skinning', 'morphTargets', 'morphNormals'],
                    'LineBasicMaterial' : ['color', 'linewidth', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'vertexColors',

[docs] def array2string(array): '''Flatten array and return string representation for insertion into js.''' return np.array2string(array.flatten(), max_line_width=1000, separator=',', formatter={'float_kind': '{0:.1f}'.format})
[docs] def materialdict(display, material): '''Construct a string that can be pasted into a javascript template to describe a three.js material. Parameters ---------- display : dict Dictionary of properties. All properties that have a same name as the property of the relevant material in javascript are included, all others are ignored. material : string Name of the material in three.js (Only materials used currently in marxs are supported). Returns ------- spec : dict material specification ''' spec = {} for k in display: if (k in listofproperties['Material']) or (k in listofproperties[material]): # now special cases that need to be transformed in some way if k == 'color': spec['color'] = utils.color_tuple_to_hex(display[k]).replace('0x', '#') else: spec[k] = display[k] if ('opacity' in display) and not ('transparent' in display): spec['transparent'] = 'true' return spec
[docs] def materialspec(display, material): '''Construct a string that can be pasted into a javascript template to describe a three.js material. Parameters ---------- display : dict Dictionary of properties. All properties that have a same name as the property of the relevant material in javascript are included, all others are ignored. material : string Name of the material in three.js (Only materials used currently in marxs are supported). Returns ------- spec : string String that can be pasted into javasript files. ''' matdict = materialdict(display, material) spec = ['{0} : {1}'.format(k, matdict[v]) for k in matdict] return ', '.join(spec)
def _format_plot_rays_input(data, scalar, cmap, prop): # The number of points per line N = data.shape[1] # number of lines n = data.shape[0] if scalar is None: s = np.zeros((n, N)) elif scalar.shape == (n, ): s = np.tile(scalar, (N, 1)).T elif scalar.shape == (n, N): s = scalar else: raise ValueError('Scalar quantity for each point must have shape ({0},) or ({0}, {1})'.format(n, N)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) normalizer = plt.Normalize() s_rgb = cmap(normalizer(s)) if 'vertexColors' not in prop: prop['vertexColors'] = 2 # 2 = 'THREE.VertexColors' return data, s_rgb, prop, n
[docs] def plot_rays(data, outfile, scalar=None, cmap=None, prop={}): '''Plot lines for simulated rays. Parameters ---------- data : np.array of shape(n, N, 3) where n is the number of rays, N the number of positions per ray and the last dimension is the (x,y,z) of an Eukledian position vector. scalar : None or nd.array of shape (n,) or (n, N) This quantity is used to color the rays. If ``None`` all rays will have the same color. If it has n elements, each ray will have exactly one color (e.g. color according to the energy of the ray), if it has n*N elements, rays will be multicolored. outfile : file object Output javascript code is written to this file. prop : dict keyword arguments for line material. cmap : `matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance or string or None `matplotlib` color maps are used to convert ``scalar`` values to rgb colors. If ``None`` the default matplotlib colormap will be used, otherwise the colormap can be specified in this keyword. ''' data, s_rgb, prop, n = _format_plot_rays_input(data, scalar, cmap, prob) material = materialspec(prop, 'LineBasicMaterial') for i in range(n): positions = array2string(data[i, :, :]) colors = array2string(s_rgb[i, :, :3]) outfile.write(''' var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({{ {material} }}); var positions = new Float32Array({positions}); var colors = new Float32Array({colors}); geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) ); geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) ); geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); mesh = new THREE.Line( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh );'''.format(positions=positions, colors=colors, material=material))
doc_plot=''' {__doc__} Parameters ---------- obj : `marxs.base.MarxsElement` The element that should be plotted. display : dict of None Dictionary with display settings. outfile : file handle Output is written to this file. '''
[docs] @format_doc(doc_plot) def plot_object(obj, display, outfile, **kwargs): '''Plot any MARXS object with three.js as backend. This method will inspect the object that is passed in and select the correct plotting method for its shape. Javascript code to generate the correct represenation in three.js is added to the open file ``outfile``. ''' if 'outfile' not in kwargs: raise TypeError('Required argument "outfile" missing.') out = plot_object_general(plot_registry, obj, display=display,outfile=outfile, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @format_doc(doc_plot) def container(obj, display, outfile): '''Recursivey output three.js commands to print all elements of a container. Output of each element can be a dict (if it is a leaf) or a list (if it is a container). We need to flatten the list here to avoid arbitrarily deep recursion. ''' return [plot_obj(e, e.display, outfile) for e in obj.elements]
[docs] @format_doc(doc_plot) def box(obs, display, outfile): '''Output three.js commands to include a box-shaped optical element.''' matrixstring = ', '.join([str(i) for i in obj.pos4d.flatten()]) if not ('side' in display): display['side'] = 'THREE.DoubleSide' materialspec = materialspec(display, 'MeshStandardMaterial') outfile.write(''' var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 2, 2, 2 ); var material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {{ {materialspec} }} ); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false; mesh.matrix.set({matrix}); scene.add( mesh );'''.format(materialspec=materialspec, matrix=matrixstring))
[docs] @format_doc(doc_plot) def triangulation(obj, display, outfile): '''Output commands for a plane with an inner hole.''' xyz, triangles = obj.geometry.triangulate(display) materialspec = materialspec(display, 'MeshStandardMaterial') outfile.write('// {}\n'.format( outfile.write('var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); \n') outfile.write('var vertices = new Float32Array([') for row in xyz: outfile.write('{0}, {1}, {2},'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2])) outfile.write(''']); // itemSize = 3 because there are 3 values (components) per vertex geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) ); ''') outfile.write('var faces = new Uint16Array([') for row in triangles: outfile.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, '.format(row[0], row[1], row[2])) outfile.write(''']); // itemSize = 3 because there are 3 values (components) per triangle geometry.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute( faces, 1 ) ); ''') outfile.write('''var material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({{ {materialspec} }}); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); '''.format(materialspec=materialspec))
[docs] @format_doc(doc_plot) def torus(obj, display, outfile): '''Output commands to display (part of) a torus. The plot range for theta and phi is taken from the values for ``coo1`` and ``coo2`` in the ``display`` dictionary. There entries should be a list of value if less then the full torus (ranging from 0 to 2 pi in each coordinate) is desired for the plot. ''' theta = display.get('coo1', [0, 2 * np.pi]) phi = display.get('coo2', [0, 2 * np.pi]) materialspec = materialspec(obj.display, 'MeshStandardMaterial') torusparameters = '{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}'.format(obj.R, obj.r, int(np.rad2deg(theta[1])), int(np.rad2deg(phi[1])), theta[1], theta[0], phi[1], phi[0]) rot = np.array([[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1.]]) matrixstring = ', '.join([str(i) for i in, rot).flatten()]) outfile.write(''' var geometry = new THREE.ModifiedTorusBufferGeometry({torusparameters}); var material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({{ {materialspec} }}); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false; mesh.matrix.set({matrix}); scene.add( mesh );'''.format(materialspec=materialspec, torusparameters=torusparameters, matrix=matrixstring))
plot_registry = {'triangulation': triangulation, 'torus': torus, 'box': box, 'container': container, }