
marxs.math.geometry.xyz_circle(geometry, r_factor=1, philim=[0, 6.283185307179586], n_vertices=90)[source] [edit on github]

Generate Eukledian positions along an ellipse.

The circle is centered on the center of the object and the semi-major and minor axes are given by v_y and v_z. Note that this function is usually used to generate circle position, although ellipses are possible, thus the name.

The circle (or ellipse) is approximated by a polygon with n_vertices vertices, where the value of n_vertices is taken from the self.display dictionary.


Scaling factor for the square.


Lower and upper limit for the angle phi to restrict the circle to a wedge.

circlenp.array of shape (n, 3)

Eukledian coordinates of the corners of the square in 3d space.