Source code for marxs.base.base

# Licensed under GPL version 3 - see LICENSE.rst
from collections import OrderedDict
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy
import re
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
from transforms3d import affines
from astropy.table import Column

from ..visualization.utils import DisplayDict
from marxs import __version__

__all__ = ['GeometryError',

[docs] class GeometryError(Exception): pass
[docs] class DocMeta(type): '''Metaclass to inherit docstrings when required. When a derived class overwrites a method that was already defined in its base class, the new method usually has the same purpose as the original method and often uses the same parameters, too, although the implementation differs slightly. In this case, it should have the same docstring, too. This metaclass will look for methods that are undocumented and add the docstring of the appropriate parent method to them. ''' def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict): # make a class here with the same method resolution order # but no attributes of its own (so that we can make it here without an # infinite loop, because making it will also go through this metaclass) if name == 'temporaryclass': return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict) temp = type('temporaryclass', bases, {}) mro = inspect.getmro(temp) for k in dict: # for items that have a docstring (i.e. methods) that is empty if hasattr(dict[k], '__doc__') and dict[k].__doc__ is None: # Some __doc__ strings cannot be rewitten in Python2, e.g. doc of a type try: for b in mro: # look if this b defines the method # (it might not in case of multiple inheritance) if hasattr(b, k) and (getattr(b, k).__doc__ is not None): # copy docstring if super method has one dict[k].__doc__ = getattr(b, k).__doc__ break except AttributeError: pass return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
[docs] class MarxsElement(metaclass=DocMeta): '''Base class for all elements in a MARXS simulation. This includes elements that actually change photon properties such as grating and mirrors, but also abstract concepts that do not have a direct hardware representation such as a "Rowland Torus". ''' display = {'shape': 'None'} 'Dictionary for display specifications, e.g. color' def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Define a new MARXS element.''' if 'name' in kwargs: = kwargs.pop('name') else: = self.__class__ if len(kwargs) > 0: raise ValueError('Initialization arguments {0} not understood'.format(', '.join(kwargs.keys()))) self.display = DisplayDict(self, deepcopy(self.display))
[docs] def describe(self): return OrderedDict(
reexp = re.compile(r"(?P<version>[\]+[\d]+)[+]?(g(?P<gittag>\w+))?[.]?(d(?P<dirtydate>[\d]+))?") '''Regex to parse scm version string''' ver = reexp.match(__version__) '''Parsed version of the marxs code'''
[docs] class TagVersion(MarxsElement): '''Tag a photons list with diagnostic information such as a the program version. All keyword arguments passed when this element is initialized or when it is called will be added to the meta information of the photon list, some additional information on program version and runtime is added automatically. As such, the format of the keyword values is very flexible. However, if they are going to be written to fits files it is useful to follow fits conventions and the default paraemter values also invoke fits conventions. Parameters ---------- origin : tuple of strings according to fits convention, the Institution where file was created creator : string or tuple of strings according to fits convention, the Person or program creating file' ''' def __init__(self, ORIGIN=('unkwown', 'Institution where file was created'), CREATOR=('MARXS', 'Person or program creating file'), **kwargs): super().__init__(name=kwargs.pop('name', self.__class__)) kwargs['MARXSVER'] = ('version'), 'MARXS code version') if not'gittag') is None: kwargs['MARXSGIT'] = ('gittag'), 'Git hash of MARXS code') if not'dirtydate') is None: kwargs['MARXSTIM'] = ('dirtydate'), 'Date of dirty version ARCUS code') self.tags = kwargs
[docs] def __call__(self, photons, *args, **kwargs): photons.meta['DATE'] = ([:10], 'Date/time of computation') for k, v in self.tags.items(): photons.meta[k] = v for k, v in kwargs.items(): photons.meta[k] = v return photons
[docs] def check_meta_consistent(meta1, meta2, keywords=['ORIGIN', 'CREATOR', 'MARXSVER', 'MARXSGIT', 'MARXSTIM', ], allow_missing=True): '''Check that the meta data between two simulations indicates consistency. This check compares a number of keywords (e.g. the version of marxs) to indicate if the simulations where run with the same version of marxs. If a simulation records more information in the metadata, the check can be more complete. This function raises an `AssertionError` if the two sets of meta information are different. Parameters ---------- meta1 : dict header from photon list 1 meta2 : dict header from photon list 2 keywords : list Keywords to be checked allow_missing : bool This flag allows a keyword to be missing from both dictionaries (e.g. MARXSGIT is not set if run with a released version); however, it is still an error if a key is present only in one, but not the dictionary. Raises ------ AssertionError, KeyError ''' for k in keywords: if (k in meta1) and (k in meta2): assert meta1[k] == meta2[k] else: if not allow_missing: raise KeyError(f'{k} not found in both dicts.') # Even with allow_missing=True # it's an error to have a key in only one dict if (k in meta1) or (k in meta2): raise KeyError(f'{k} found in one, but not both dicts.')
[docs] def check_energy_consistent(photons): '''Check if the energy is the same for all photons. If there is no energy colum, then this also passes. ''' if 'energy' in photons.colnames: assert np.allclose(photons['energy'], photons['energy'][0])
[docs] class SimulationSequenceElement(MarxsElement): '''Base class for all elements in a simulation that processes photons.''' output_columns = [] '''This is a list of strings that names the output properties. This gives the names of the output properties from this optical element. `process_photon` or `process_photons` are responsible for calculating the values of these properties. For example, for a mirror of nested shells one might set ``output_columns = ['mirror_shell']`` to pass the information on which shell the interaction took place to the user. The following properties are always included in the output and do not need to be listed here: dir : `numpy.ndarray` 4-d direction vector of ray in homogeneous coordinates pos : `numpy.ndarray` 4-d position of last interaction pf the photons with any optical element in homogeneous coordinates. Together with ``dir`` this determines the equation of the ray. energy : float Photon energy in keV. polarization : float Polarization angle of the photons. probability : float Probability that the photon continues. Set to 0 if the photon is absorbed, to 1 if it passes the optical element and to number between 0 and 1 to express a probability that the photons passes. ''' id_col = None '''String that names an id column for output. Set this to a string to add an automatic numbering to the output. This is especially useful if there are several identical optical components that are used in parallel, e.g. there are four identical CCDs. Setting ``id_col = "CCD_ID"`` and passing an ``id_num=1, 2, 3, 4`` keyword respectively to each CCD will add a column ``CCD_ID`` with a value of 1,2,3, or 4 for each photon hitting one of those CCDs. Currently, this will not work with all optical elements. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_num = kwargs.pop('id_num', -9) # We want to use id_col as a class attribute, but overwrite it if given as a kwarg if 'id_col' in kwargs: self.id_col = kwargs.pop('id_col') super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def add_output_cols(self, photons, colnames=[]): '''Add output columns to the photon array. This function takes the column names that are added to ``photons`` from several sources: - `id_col` (if not ``None``) - `output_columns` - the ``colnames`` parameter. Parameters ---------- photons : `astropy.table.Table` Table columns are added to. colnames : list of elements Each element can be a string (in this case a float column with initial value ``np.nan`` is added) or a dictionay of arguments for `astropy.table.column.Column`. If the dictionay has a keys "value" then the column will be initialized to that value. Column names to be added; in addition several object properties can be used to set the column names, see description above. ''' for n in self.output_columns + colnames: if (n is not None) and (n not in photons.colnames): if not isinstance(n, dict): n = {'name': n, 'value': np.nan} val = n.pop('value', None) newcol = Column(length=len(photons), **n) if val is not None: newcol[:] = val photons.add_column(newcol) # We can call this recursively, because the column will be added # before reaching this line agian, so we avoid infinite recursion. if (self.id_col is not None) and (self.id_col not in photons.colnames): self.add_output_cols(photons, colnames=[{'name': self.id_col, 'dtype': int, 'value': -1}])
[docs] def __call__(self, photons, *args, **kwargs): return self.process_photons(photons, *args, **kwargs)
def _parse_position_keywords(kwargs): '''Parse keywords to define position. If ``pos4d`` is given, use that, otherwise look for ``position``, ``zoom`` and ``orientation``. Parameters ---------- pos4d : 4x4 array Transformation to bring an element from the default position (see description of individual elements) to a certain point in the space of homogeneous coordinates. position : 3-d vector in real space Measured from the origin of the spacecraft coordinate system. orientation : Rotation matrix or ``None`` Relative orientation of the base vectors of this optical element relative to the orientation of the coordinate system of the spacecraft. The default is no rotation (i.e. the axes of both coordinate systems are parallel). zoom : float or 3-d vector Scale the size of an optical element in each dimension by ``zoom``. If ``zoom`` is a scalar, the same scale is applied in all dimesions. This only affects the oter dimensions of the optical element, not internal scales like the pixel size or grating constant (if defined for the optical element in question). ''' pos4d = kwargs.pop('pos4d', None) if pos4d is None: position = kwargs.pop('position', np.zeros(3)) orientation = kwargs.pop('orientation', np.eye(3)) zoom = kwargs.pop('zoom', 1.) if np.isscalar(zoom): zoom = np.ones(3) * zoom if not len(zoom) == 3: raise ValueError('zoom must have three elements for x,y,z or be a scalar (global zoom).') if np.any(np.array(zoom) <= 0): raise ValueError('All values in zoom must be positive-definite to keep pos4d matrix valid. Specify zero-thickness elements with display properties.') pos4d = affines.compose(position, orientation, zoom) else: if ('position' in kwargs) or ('orientation' in kwargs) or ('zoom' in kwargs): raise ValueError('If pos4d is specificed, the following keywords cannot be given at the same time: position, orientation, zoom.') if np.linalg.det(pos4d) == 0: raise ValueError('pos4d matrix is invalid (determinant is 0).') return pos4d