
class marxs.base.TagVersion(ORIGIN=('unkwown', 'Institution where file was created'), CREATOR=('MARXS', 'Person or program creating file'), **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: MarxsElement

Tag a photons list with diagnostic information such as a the program version.

All keyword arguments passed when this element is initialized or when it is called will be added to the meta information of the photon list, some additional information on program version and runtime is added automatically. As such, the format of the keyword values is very flexible. However, if they are going to be written to fits files it is useful to follow fits conventions and the default paraemter values also invoke fits conventions.

origintuple of strings

according to fits convention, the Institution where file was created

creatorstring or tuple of strings

according to fits convention, the Person or program creating file’

Define a new MARXS element.

Methods Summary

__call__(photons, *args, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

Methods Documentation

__call__(photons, *args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Call self as a function.