
marxs.visualization.mayavi.plot_rays(data, scalar=None, viewer=None, kwargssurface={'colormap': 'Accent', 'line_width': 1, 'opacity': 0.4})[source] [edit on github]

Plot lines for simulated rays.

datanp.array of shape(n, N, 3)

where n is the number of rays, N the number of positions per ray and the last dimension is the (x,y,z) of an Euclidean position vector.

scalarNone or nd.array of shape (n,) or (n, N)

This quantity is used to color the rays. If None all rays will have the same color. If it has n elements, each ray will have exactly one color (e.g. color according to the energy of the ray), if it has n*N elements, rays will be multicolored.

viewermayavi.core.scene.Scene instance.
If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added

automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


keyword arguments for mayavi.mlab.pipeline.surface

outmayavi ojects

This just passes through the information returned from the mayavi calls.