
marxs.visualization.utils.plot_object_general(plot_registry, obj, display=None, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Look up a plotting routine for an object and execute it.

This function is not meant to be called directly by the user, instead, it is designed to simplify the implementation of new plotting backends.


Keys are the names of the shape of an object and values in this dictionary are functions that know how to plot this type of shape. The appropriate plotting function is then called with the input obj, display and any other keyword arguments. If the shape is "None" (as a string), no plotting function is called.


The element that should be plotted.

displaydict of None

Dictionary with display settings. If this is None, obj.display is used. If that is also None then the objects is skipped.

kwargsother keyword arguments

These arguments are just passed through to the plotting function.


The output from the plotting function that was executed is passed through. Different plotting backends return different kinds of output.