Source code for marxs.math.utils

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import numpy as np

xyz2zxy = np.array([[0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
                    [0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
                    [1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
                    [0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]])
'''Array toi flip coordinates for mission where the z-axis matches the optical axis.'''

[docs] def e2h(e, w): '''Convert Euclidean coordinates to homogeneous coordinates Parameters ---------- e : np.array Input Euclidean coordinates. This can be multidimensional, but the last dimension must be of size 3. w : float ``0`` for directions (points at infinity) ``1`` for positions (points in Euclidean space) Returns ------- h : np.array Homogeneous coordinates. Same shape as ``e`` except that the last dimension is now has 4 elements. ''' if not ((w == 0) or (w == 1)): raise ValueError('w must be 0 or 1.') shape = list(e.shape) shape[-1] += 1 h = np.empty(shape) h[..., :3] = e h[..., 3] = w return h
[docs] def h2e(h): '''Convert homogeneous coordinates to Euclidean coordinates This functions works for points at infinity and for points in real euclidean space, but it expects that each time it is called ``h`` contains only the one or the other but not a mixture of both. Parameters ---------- h : np.array Input homogeneous coordinates. This can be multidimensional, but the last dimension must be of size 4. Returns ------- e : np.array Euclidean coordinates. Same shape as ``e`` except that the last last dimension is now has 3 elements. ''' if np.all(h[..., 3] == 0) or np.allclose(h[..., 3], 1): return h[..., :3] elif np.all(h[..., 3] != 0): return (h[..., :3] / h[..., 3][..., None]) else: raise ValueError('Input array must be either all euklidean points or all points at infinity.')
[docs] def distance_point_point(h_p1, h_p2): '''Calculate the Eukledian distance between 2 points Parameters ---------- h_p1, h_p2 : np.ndarray of shape (4) or (N, 4) homogeneous coordiantes of input points Returns ------- d : np.array of shape (1) or (N) Eukledian distance between those points ''' if max(h_p1.ndim, h_p2.ndim) == 1: axis = 0 elif max(h_p1.ndim, h_p2.ndim) == 2: axis = 1 else: raise ValueError('This function expects 1d or 2d input.') return np.linalg.norm(h2e(h_p1) - h2e(h_p2), axis=axis)
[docs] def translation2aff(vec): '''Transform 3-d translation vector to affine 4*4 matrix. Parameters ---------- vec : (3, ) array x, y, z translation vector Returns ------- m : (4, 4) array affine transformation matrix ''' if len(vec) != 3: raise ValueError('3d translation vector expected.') m = np.eye(4) m[:3, 3] = vec return m
[docs] def zoom2aff(zoom): '''Transform zoom to affine 4*4 matrix. Parameters ---------- vec : float or (3, ) array zoom factor for x, y, z dimension (the same zoom is applied to every dimension is the input is a scalar). Returns ------- m : (4, 4) array affine transformation matrix ''' z = np.eye(4) if np.isscalar(zoom): z[:3,:3] = zoom * z[:3, :3] elif len(zoom) == 3: z[:3, :3] = np.diag(zoom) else: raise ValueError('Zoom must be either scalar or 3 element vector.') return z
[docs] def mat2aff(mat): '''Transform 3*3 matrix (e.g. rotation) to affine 4*4 matrix. Parameters ---------- mat : (3, 3) array input matrix Returns ------- m : (4, 4) array affine transformation matrix ''' m = np.eye(4) m[:3, :3] = mat return m
[docs] def norm_vector(vec): '''Normalize euklidean vectors. Parameters ---------- vec : np.array Input vectors of shape (n, 3) Returns ------- vec : np.array Normalized vectors ''' length2 = np.sum(vec * vec, axis=-1) return vec / np.sqrt(length2)[:, None]
[docs] def anglediff(phi): '''Angle range covered by phi, accounting for 2 pi properly Parameters ---------- phi : list of two float Two angles in radian ''' anglediff = phi[1] - phi[0] if (anglediff < 0.) or (anglediff > (2. * np.pi)): # If anglediff == 2 pi exactly, presumably the user want to cover the full circle. anglediff = anglediff % (2. * np.pi) return anglediff
[docs] def angle_between(angle, border1, border2): '''Test if an angle is between two others Since angles are cyclic, a simple numerical comparison is not sufficient, e.g. 355 deg is in the interval [350 deg, 10 deg] even though numerically 355 is not less then 10. Parameters ---------- angle : float or np.array Angle array (in rad) border1 : float Lower border of interval (inclusive) in radian border2 : float Higher border of interval (inclusive) in radian Returns ------- comparison : bool of same shape as ``angle`` Result of the comparison Examples -------- >>> from marxs.math.utils import angle_between >>> angle_between(-0.1, -0.2, 6) True ''' twopi = 2 * np.pi b1 = (twopi + (border1 % twopi)) % twopi b2 = (twopi + (border2 % twopi)) % twopi ang = (twopi + (angle % twopi)) % twopi if b1 < b2: return (b1 <= ang) & (ang <= b2) else: return (b1 <= ang) | (ang <= b2)