
marxs.math.pluecker.intersect_line_plane(p_line, h_plane)[source] [edit on github]

Intersect a line in Pluecker coordinates with a plane in homogeneous coordinates.

This function returns the position of the intersection. If the line is parallel (but not identical) to the plane that intersection happens “at infinity” and thus the last component of the intersection coordinate is 0. If the line is in the plane, then all components of the return vector are 0.

p_linenp.array (last dimension has 6 elements)

Pluecker coordinates of a line or an array of lines

h_planenp.array with shape=(4, )

Homogeneous coordinates of a plane.


Homogeneous coordinates of the intersection points of line and plane. Has the same shape as p_line, but the last dimension has only 4 elements.