Utility functions

This module contains simple utility functions that are used in several of MARXS submodules.

marxs.math Package

Convention of variable naming:

prefix coordinate system object
none none number (e.g. angle, distance)
e Euklid (3d) point
h homogeneous (4d) point, plane
p Pluecker (6d) line (=ray)

marxs.math.geometry Module


xyz_square(geometry[, r_factor]) Generate Eukledian positions for the corners of a square.
xyz_circle(geometry[, r_factor, philim, …]) Generate Eukledian positions along an ellipse.


FinitePlane([kwargs]) Base class for geometrically flat optical elements.
RectangleHole(kwargs) Base class for geometrically flat optical elements.
CircularHole(kwargs) Base class for geometrically flat optical elements.
Cylinder([kwargs]) A Geometry shaped like a ring or tube.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of marxs.math.geometry.NoGeometry, marxs.math.geometry.Geometry, marxs.math.geometry.FinitePlane, marxs.math.geometry.PlaneWithHole, marxs.math.geometry.RectangleHole, marxs.math.geometry.CircularHole, marxs.math.geometry.Cylinder

marxs.math.pluecker Module

This module collects routines that deal with lines in Pluecker coordiantes incl. the construction of the Pluecker coordinates from e.g. two points in space or a direction and a point.


angle_line_plane(p_line, h_plane) Compute angle between normal to plane and line
dir_point2line(e_dir, e_pos) Return a line in Pluecker coordinates connecting two points.
e_pointpoint2line(e_p1, e_p2) Return a line in Pluecker coordinates connecting two points.
intersect_line_plane(p_line, h_plane) Intersect a line in Pluecker coordinates with a plane in homogeneous coordinates.
point_dir2plane(h_point, h_dir) Return a plane in homogeneous coordinates

marxs.math.polarization Module


polarization_vectors(dir_array, angles) Converts polarization angles to vectors in the direction of polarization.
Q_reflection(delta_dir) Reflection of a polarization vector on a non-polarizing surface.
paralleltransport_matrix(dir1, dir2[, …]) Calculate parallel transport ray tracing matrix.
parallel_transport(dir_old, dir_new, …) Parallel transport of the polarization vector with no polarization happening.

marxs.math.random Module


RandomArbitraryPdf(x, pdf[, …]) Take random draw from an arbitrary (and arbitrarily binned) pdf.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of marxs.math.random.RandomArbitraryPdf

marxs.math.rotations Module


ex2vec_fix(e1, efix) Rotate x-axis to e1, use efix to break rotation ambiguity.
axangle2mat(axes, angles[, is_normalized]) Rotation matrix for rotation angle angle around axis

marxs.math.utils Module


angle_between(angle, border1, border2) Test if an angle is between two others
anglediff(phi) Angle range covered by phi, accounting for 2 pi properly
distance_point_point(h_p1, h_p2) Calculate the Eukledian distance between 2 points
e2h(e, w) Convert Euclidean coordinates to homogeneous coordinates
h2e(h) Convert homogeneous coordinates to Euclidean coordinates
mat2aff(mat) Transform 3*3 matrix (e.g.
norm_vector(vec) Normalize euklidean vectors.
translation2aff(vec) Transform 3-d translation vector to affine 4*4 matrix.
zoom2aff(zoom) Transform zoom to affine 4*4 matrix.

marxs.utils Module


generate_test_photons([n]) Generate a photon structure for testing.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of marxs.utils.SimulationSetupWarning